Oh, I'm soooo excited! I just listed my Zya doll on Etsy.com. I've decided to make some darker, monstrous type dolls, that I'm fittingly calling "Little Disasters". She is the first. My youngest daughter loves her, and wants one. So, later this evening, I'll be starting her doll. Got the eyes in the oven right now. Probably could have timed that better. It's burning up in here.
I also finished another doll today, that I was making for a lady on my team (roller derby). She'll be giving it to her Aunt Karen. So, that was fun. And I like knowing that one of my dolls will reside in California, with the real Karen.
This is my first ever blog. I'm so low tech. Today I'm working on my next doll (as I usually am). I'm excited because I just sold my very first doll on Etsy!!! Got to get her ready for shipping!!! Too hot to sit here much longer and type. My next place will have air conditioning, I hope.